In the past we've had Weekly Topic Challenges. It's about time we start them up again, with a more concerted effort to attract quality questions and answers on specific topics.
But this time, it's going to be a monthly thing. Here's how it will work:
- Suggest Challenge Topics in the answers below. It's okay if the same or a similar topic has been used before. Take a look at previous topics to get an idea of what sorts of things have been proposed in the past.
- Everyone vote on the topics – you want your favourites to come to the top of the list.
- On the 1st of each month, the most popular topic will become the Monthly Topic. We will make a Meta post outlining the Challenge. Usually a specific tag will be proposed to be used on challenge questions. The Challenge begins.
- Ask questions on the Topic! Answer all the Topic questions! Be sure to vote on the best posts.
- At the end of the month, we'll tally up the questions posted during the challenge. The people with the most Topic question and answer votes will be awarded the highly-esteemed right to wear the imaginary Topic crowns, at least until the next month when they're begrudgingly handed over to the next Topic winners.
The first Monthly Topic Challenge started on March 1st, 2017, and was a complete debacle. Given the minimal interest I'll put off starting another one for a while. If you would like to see the Topic Challenges return, we need you to post and vote on ideas below.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the Topic Challenges feel free to comment below, ask another question in Meta with the challenge tag, or bring it up in chat.