We get a fair few questions that boil down to 'Where can I look for records for genealogical events in country X?', or where some of the answers provide a list of resources to consult. They're basically 'shopping' questions and/or answers, with the risk that the answers will become less useful with age (think link-rot). Is it worth constructing a canonical resource, such as: Resources for genealogical events in England and Wales ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Having a single curated list of resources (per locale) with basic factual information about them would save a lot of duplication of effort, allow us to focus on keeping a single list up to date and and give us somewhere to point when the next 'Where do I look' question arises. It would also allow answers to questions to focus on 'how to use/interpret records' or 'some aspect of the research process' -- the expert bit of genealogy in short, not the shopping list bit. There'd still be space for an expert to highlight a really specialised resource -- e.g. the Membership Rolls of the Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club -- where it's germane to a question, but we wouldn't end up with repetitive lists of the same sites. I'm not suggesting a canonical question, as that would fall foul of our own rule disallowing questions about: > Comparing, or making lists of, different genealogy databases, > utilities, hosting services, etc. But it might fit into the tag wiki for a specific country? If there's support for the idea (or a better suggestion) I'm volunteering to draft "England and Wales" as they're my areas of expertise.