Drawing from an existing Meta Q&A on https://genealogy.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1853/improving-the-weekly-chat, this week's chat will be to discuss ideas for doing just that!

> For those who aren't aware, we currently hold a chat in a [dedicated
> chat room][1] every Saturday about [a different genealogical topic
> each time][2]. It's really great to hop in every week when I can and
> discuss these topics with fellow genealogists and Stack Exchangians. 
> After a lot of chats, some things have been plain awesome and others
> stand out as needing improvement. 
>  - Saturdays aren't always for everyone to make. I know at least, for myself, I have to work Saturdays a lot, so I can't join as often as
> I'd like. Others have mentioned similar problems. Should we expand the
> chat to week long (with a new topic every Saturday)?
>  - Another aspect up for discussion is where we should hold the chat? There is not much chat happening in our main room, [Roots][3]. Perhaps
> we are diluting interest by having two separate rooms. Should we merge
> the two and hold our chats in the main room or keep there own room?
> What else can we do to improve this chat and make it as accessible and
> useful as possible?

  [1]: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/9987/genealogy-weekly-chat
  [2]: https://genealogy.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1750/56
  [3]: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/6003/roots

Come join the chat which starts Saturday, September 13. 

**The chat will continue all week so everyone can join in until a new topic (probably) starts on September 20.** 

The chat will occur in [its own room][1] Saturday through the next Friday. Be sure to [register yourself][2] to get a reminder.

If you have any ideas for future topics, post them as answers to https://genealogy.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1750/56 and they might be used in an upcoming week!

  [1]: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/9987/genealogy-weekly-chat
  [2]: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/9987/genealogy-weekly-