I know that this has been brought up before (see some previous questions at the bottom of this post), but as far as I can tell there has not been a question devoted specifically to this tag. It would be good to get some sort of consensus.
There are currently 102 52 0 questions tagged research, with seemingly nothing in common except that they are about people researching their genealogy. Which kind of defeats the purpose of a tag.
The tag usage guidance is currently no guidance at all:
The study of source materials to establish facts and reach conclusions.
Should the research tag even exist? If it should, what should the usage guidance be?
Previous mentions:
15 Jul 2015: Should we blacklist some tags that can be applied to almost every question?
11 Oct 2012: Proposal to remove tags like brick-wall and road-block
10 Oct 2012: What is the difference between the [research] and [research-methods] tags?