We should decide and make clear what list questions (if any) are appropriate on genealogy.se and which are not. And what should be done to make a good question from a question that may have a list answer.
For example "What are the best genealogy sites" is a "bad" list question not just because the answer is a list but because it's subjective opinion and it's way too broad (ie it's not a specific problem). "what are the references and citations for William Brewster (1535-1590) being born in Scooby, England?" is a very specific genealogical problem that still produces a list for an answer. In between might be "what sites have references/citations for William Brewster?". Also in between might be "what lineage and heritage societies might I be eligible for if I have ancestors who immigrated to Connecticut in the late 1600's?". Can we distill something to put in the FAQ about do/don'ts wrt list questions.
Some se sites have explicit FAQs dealing with list questions, many do not. We should give clear guidance in FAQs so closers can reference when closing a question, and questioners can learn so they can ask appropriately. Just saying 'no lists' might shut down many of the very people we are trying to attract - expert genealogists.
See What's the opinion on "list" questions? for a discussion on list questions in stack overflow. Alot of the issues raised (pro and con) apply to genealogy.se as well
One of my reasons for creating this question is I think this site aims to recruit genealogy experts and my experience is most genealogists are not computer experts and are probably unfamiliar with se. I'm a newbie myself that found se thru genealogy, but I do consider myself expert in certain computer areas. I joined other se sites and perused the questions of interest to me (and of course discovered I'd been using se for years when I googled for answers - I just didn't notice that was where the answers came from). Looking thru those sites for list questions, there were many users who were 'shut down' by their questions being closed, alot of times without explanation. Since genealogy involves lots of lists, we will have a large 'expert in genealogy, newbie in se' community, I think the faq should make whatever the list policy is clear.
At the risk of repeating myself - the reason for this question is to encourage the participation of expert genealogists and give them guidance since the are mostly not se experts.