Finding original spelling of Polish name Vazuka which was anglicized on arrival to US? currently has 4 close votes and a comment suggesting it is a duplicate to Determining correct spelling of Polish last name?
We have a problem with these and similar questions, in that the answer to "My surname was changed at Ellis Island" is always going to be the same: "Oh No it wasn't". But the rest of the question, namely, the specific surname in question, will differ in the same way that a palaeography question does. Suggesting possible surnames or surname variants will require individual answers.
How can we find an elegant solution to this problem? Are there enough resources in the answers to Determining correct spelling of Polish last name? to justify using it as our 'canonical', or do we need to beef it up with a more general answer on Polish surname resources?
(Polish is outside my area of expertise, so I can't write an answer based on linguistics that would be of use for people trying to assemble a list of possible variants.)